Tuesday 29 April 2014

Filming Day 1

This is just a quick message to let everybody know that Shaun Millward and I are set to meet in half an hours time.  We will be discussing ideas for the Your Paranormal webisodes and documentaries that we will all also start to film this evening.  We will keep you informed and hopefully have some fresh content for you soon.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Monsters Wanted Trailer (+playlist)

I really wanna see this.  Better yet I want to go there.

Encounters With The Unexplained: Creepy Balloon Carrying Clown Goes Viral

This is incredibly terrifying.  I genuinely don't know how I would have reacted if I saw this guy at night standing on my street.

Encounters With The Unexplained: Creepy Balloon Carrying Clown Goes Viral: Photo by Michael Leavy I've sat back and watched the "terror" unfold as sightings of a creepy, balloon carrying clown goe...

Sunday 23 February 2014

Molly Leigh : The Witch That Was Buried From North To South

The first documentary that we made in our first year at university.  The video is quite amateurish and we've learned a lot since then but its still worth a watch.